Paying Someone 'Lip Service'

The term 'lip service' refers to insincere, superficial, or hypocritical expressions of agreement or support for something. It suggests that the person giving 'lip service' is not genuinely committed to the idea or action they are professing.

We use 'lip service' to describe situations where someone is saying one thing but doing another, or when they are only paying verbal or symbolic attention to an issue without truly making an effort to address it. It can also refer to situations where someone is making a show of supporting an idea or person without really meaning it.

Here are a few examples of how the term 'lip service' might be used in a sentence:

  • "The company paid lip service to diversity and inclusion but didn't actually make any changes to their hiring practices."
  • "Politicians often pay lip service to the needs of their constituents during election season but don't follow through on their promises once in office."
  • "She gave lip service to the idea of environmental conservation but continued to drive a gas-guzzling SUV."

Similar meanings to 'lip service' might include: empty promises, insincerity, lip service, superficiality, tokenism, and hypocrisy.

Opposite meanings to 'lip service' might include: genuine commitment, heartfelt support, meaningful action, and sincerity.